Are you ready to STAND OUT from the crowd and become a UNICORYN, a category of one in your industry?
This unicoryn offers goes beyond traditional consulting, you will experience:
A Business Growth Partner walking side-by-side 
With you for 3-months, where we will be working on a very strategic custom blueprint to move you to unicoryn (category of one) status within 3-months.
Your unicoryn to do list 100% done-for-you
Think funnels, lead magnets, public relations, management (we will be proactively seeking opportunities and collaborations to take you to unicoryn status).
From securing guest spots on podcasts, stages and at events, to strategic collaborations, we position you as a category of one for maximum exposure and growth, all within 3-months.
Customised Marketing Campaigns
(Digital, social, email) to increase brand visibility and attract your target audience, fast-tracking you to a market leader.
Brand Storytelling and PR Campaigns
Craft compelling brand narratives and execute PR campaigns to enhance brand reputation and credibility in your market.
Surprise and Delight Campaigns
Curated surprise and delight campaigns for your audience and clients/customers.
If after the 3-months for any reason you are not satisfied, we will continue working with you for another 3-months 100% for free. Success Guaranteed.
Please note, I must be 100% confident that we can help you reach UNICORYN status.
  • Once your payment is confirmed, we will create a list of recommendations and next steps for FREE within 48-hours.
  • We will then have a call where we will map out the 3-month strategy and to-do list.
For full transparency, this is a $20,000 a month investment, and currently is "3-months for the price of 1".
This is an upfront NO RISK, MAXIMUM RETURN opportunity.
If after the 3-months for any reason you are not satisfied, we will continue working with you for another 3-months 100% for free. Success Guaranteed.
If you are looking to take your business from where it is now to a UNICORYN brand where it is seen as a CATEGORY OF ONE, our done-for-you partnership is exactly what you need RIGHT NOW!
My name is Victoria Garlick and for the past 27-years I have been helping my clients build 7, multi-7 and 8-figure UNICORYN  businesses and brands. We will work personally together for 3-months to bring this unicoryn vision to life.
What exactly does "category of one" mean for my business?
Achieving "category of one" status means standing out uniquely in your industry, where your brand is perceived as incomparable and leading in its niche. 
At its core, being a category of one means transcending competition and standing alone in your industry as the undisputed leader. It's about carving out a niche where your business isn't just another option, it's the only option that truly resonates with your audience. Achieving category of one status requires a relentless focus on differentiation, innovation, and delivering unparalleled value that leaves competitors in the dust. 
It's not just about being better; it's about being unmistakably unique and indispensable to your customers. 
At unicoryn, we guide businesses and brands through this transformation, helping them define and amplify their distinctive strengths to command attention, loyalty, and lasting success in their market.
How personalised are the marketing campaigns Unicoryn will create for my business?
Our campaigns are crafted to resonate with your target audience across digital, social, and email platforms, ensuring rapid visibility and positioning as a market leader. 
unicoryn is designed for the relentless entrepreneurs and business owners who are determined to rise above the noise and claim their space as industry leaders.  
What does the 100% done-for-you offer include?
It covers everything from creating effective sales funnels and lead magnets to managing public relations and actively seeking opportunities like podcast features and strategic partnerships. Everything you need to become a unicoryn and category of one, so you can focus on doing the things you love (and are good at).
Will I have personal and direct contact with Victoria Garlick?
Yes, you will work directly and personally with Victoria Garlick for the entire 3-month period. 
Victoria's 27 years of experience and hands-on approach ensure that you receive expert guidance and tailored strategies every step of the way. She will be actively involved in developing and executing your custom blueprint to achieve Unicoryn status.
Achieving category of one status requires a relentless focus on differentiation, innovation, and delivering unparalleled value that leaves competitors in the dust. 
It's not just about being better; it's about being unmistakably unique and indispensable to your customers. 
At unicoryn, we guide businesses and brands through this transformation, helping them define and amplify their distinctive strengths to command attention, loyalty, and lasting success in their market.
What role does brand storytelling and PR campaigns play in this offer?
These initiatives are crucial for enhancing your brand's reputation and credibility. We'll craft compelling narratives and execute strategic PR campaigns to bolster your market presence. By weaving your unique story into every touchpoint, we ensure that your brand resonates deeply with your audience, driving loyalty and trust in a way that sets you apart from the competition."
Who is Victoria Garlick, and why is her 27-year experience relevant to this offer?
Victoria Garlick brings decades of expertise in building 7, multi-7, and 8-figure brands. Her personal guidance ensures a strategic focus and hands-on approach to achieving your Unicoryn vision.
How will Unicoryn help my business become a category of one in just 3 months?
Through a strategic partnership, we'll develop a tailored blueprint to amplify your unique strengths, enhance visibility through strategic campaigns, and secure key collaborations to elevate your brand quickly.
What if I'm not satisfied after the initial 3 months?
We stand by our commitment to your success. If you're not fully satisfied after 3 months, we'll continue working with you for another 3 months at no additional cost to ensure your goals are met.
Our commitment is to ensure you WILL become a Unicoryn and reach category of one status. We handle every aspect, so you can focus on your vision and growth.
How personalised are the marketing campaigns Unicoryn will create for my business?
Our campaigns are crafted to resonate with your target audience across digital, social, and email platforms, ensuring rapid visibility and positioning as a market leader. 
unicoryn is designed for the relentless entrepreneurs and business owners who are determined to rise above the noise and claim their space as industry leaders.  
What does the 100% done-for-you offer include?
It covers everything from creating effective sales funnels and lead magnets to managing public relations and actively seeking opportunities like podcast features and strategic partnerships. 
Everything you need to become a unicoryn and category of one, so you can focus on doing the things you love (and are good at).
Can you explain the "Surprise and Delight" campaigns mentioned?
These campaigns are designed to engage and delight your audience and clients/customers with personalised, unexpected experiences that strengthen loyalty and advocacy. 
By creating memorable moments that exceed expectations, we not only deepen your connection with your customers but also encourage positive word-of-mouth and long-term brand loyalty."
Is there a limit on how much done-for-you work is included?
No, there is no limit on how much done-for-you work is included. Everything that needs to be done to achieve your goals will be taken care of. 
Who is unicoryn for and not for?
"Unicoryn is for ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners who refuse to settle for mediocrity and are driven to dominate their industry. It's for those who recognize the value of strategic guidance and are ready to invest in their growth with a partner who delivers results, not just promises. This is for visionary leaders who understand that achieving category of one status requires bold action, innovation, and commitment to excellence. 
On the other hand, Unicoryn may not be suitable for businesses content with staying in the shadows or those hesitant to embrace change and challenge the status quo. 
If you're looking for quick fixes or are unwilling to invest in a transformative partnership focused on long-term success, Unicoryn may not align with your current business mindset.
A personal shout out from Marketing Guru Dean Graziosi about Victoria Garlick
Reviews From People I've Worked With
I love working with Victoria.
She is very understanding of my situation and was very patient with me as I figure out what I really wanted to do with my business. I highly recommend her as a business coach especially for young entrepreneurs.
Honey Brown
Thank you Victoria for sharing your wealth of knowledge & templates to help me build my business plan & for designing my logo.You are a delight to work with & I value your mentoring skills & your genuine concern yo help others achieve their dreams. 🌟
Catherine Baartz
Victoria is the best of the best! Over the years she has been an inspirational mentor in my events career as well as my personal development. One of the most passionate & hard working people I have come across! I could not recommend her more.
Jenna Phipps
Victoria Garlick's Empire Strategy is the BOMB. If you have big goals for your business and need help on your big plans, she’s the one to help you get on the top! Highly recommend her.
Shane Morales
I HIGHLY recommend Victoria Garlick as a mentor! She is lovely to work with. I also recommend the EMPIRE STRATEGY online course with her, it is very beneficial!
Salvatrice De Santis
Vicky is a an exceptional teacher. She comes with a wealth of knowledge of the events industry. I learnt so much from her during my 3 years of studies. She is professional & so genuine.
Sarah Murchison
Victoria is a great mentor I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am in my career without her advice and guidance.
Stevie-Lee McGuirk
Victoria is a great mentor, happy to share her knowledge and will inspire you to achieve results.
Sue Busbridge
If you have the opportunity it is definitely worth seeing and experiencing for yourself how amazing the EMPIRE strategy courses are.
Tiarn White
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